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마이호주 - 호주 한인 커뮤니티 포털사이트
소셜그룹 파트너
2020-08-17 13:47
NSW Open Receptionist for allied health student (physio)
Hybrid Physio
(02) 9419 5866
Chatswood NSW

Job available : receptionist for allied health student (physio)

Are you looking for an opportunity to develop your career in a busy clinic? Come and join our excellent team!

Hybrid Physiotherapy is a well-established, modern practice with busy caseloads, which is located in Chatswood (located in Chatswood Private Hospital). We are currently looking for a motivated, passionate receptionist working with a team of an experienced physiotherapist, Pilates instructor, Podiatrist and massage therapist.

We also pride ourselves in friendly working environment and a variety of modern medical equipment

Desirable Criteria

- passionate and friendly

- ability to work independently

negotiable multiple salary options available

friendly working environment

flexible working hours

ongoing mentoring and support for education

opportunities to work and experience with modern medical equipment, and skills

Students who are studying allied health (physiotherapy, remedial massage, podiatry etc) are welcomed

preferred clinic experience but not essential

exceptional customer service skills

passion to learn

we encourage all to apply however Korea/Chinese speakers would be desirable.

For more information please send your CV through to Jae Choi

Job types : Part time / full time, casual

Hybrid Physiotherapy Spine Clinic

Phone: 02) 9419 5866

Email: admin@hybridphysio.com.au

Website: www.hybridphysio.com.au

Address: Suite3 / Level 1 38b Albert Ave. Chatswood NSW 2067

본 게시글은 웹사이트와 연계 운영중인 페이스북 그룹 호주 한인사회 커뮤니티 에 게재된 컨텐츠입니다.
로그인 후 댓글을 작성하실 수 있습니다.

Copyright © 2020 - 2024 마이호주 | MY HOJU 호주 한인 커뮤니티 포털 사이트 by MY HOJU IT Solution

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