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마이호주 - 호주 한인 커뮤니티 포털사이트
마이호주 - 호주 한인 커뮤니티 포털사이트
info Lee
2020-01-09 12:48
QLD Housekeeper Wanted from Monday to Friday


Housekeeper Wanted from Monday to Friday (have great cooking skills to prepare Korean style lunch boxes Essential)

A housekeeper is needed from Monday to Friday for a family including one couple and their kids. Their home is conveniently located in South Brisbane -10 minutes walking distance from South Bank Railway station, Mater Hill Busway Station, and South Bank Busway Station.

The employer is looking for an experienced housekeeper, who is healthy and fit, to finish the indoor household cleaning work in a timely manner. An ideal candidate will need to have great cooking skills to prepare lunch boxes, Korean style, for the kids.

Below is the detailed job description

1) starts at 6 am;

2) between 6 am and 8 am to cook breakfast for the family and prepare lunch boxes for the kids;

3) after 8 am to start indoor household cleaning work including bedroom, kitchen, living room, toilets, etc;

4) other indoor household cleaning duties except glass cleaning, as is required by the employer.

Wages, working hours and other questions can be discussed with the employer during the onsite interview.

Should it be of interest to you, please call (07) 3532 3801 (English speaking only) from Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

The phone call will have your basic information recorded and passed onto the employer to decide. Once chosen, an onsite interview will follow.

로그인 후 댓글을 작성하실 수 있습니다.

Copyright © 2020 - 2024 마이호주 | MY HOJU 호주 한인 커뮤니티 포털 사이트 by MY HOJU IT Solution

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