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마이호주 - 호주 한인 커뮤니티 포털사이트
teatrgu teatrgu
2022-09-20 03:26
전지역 산불피해지역 동일 고용주 9개월 근무조건 완화 소식 NEW

The Australian Department of Home Affairs is extending the existing working holiday conditions to one year by easing the requirement to not work with the same employer for more than six months to help rebuild areas affected by recent wildfires.

In addition, it is said that construction-related work (house construction, fence installation, etc.) in forest fire-affected areas is included in industries that can apply for Second and Third visas. However, the construction industry was included in the conditions for applying for the 2nd or 3rd visa of the existing Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417), but there may be some differences in the work area where you can apply for a visa.

※ In order to apply for the 2nd or 3rd visa, you must work for 3 months (Secondary visa) or 6 months (3rd visa) in a specified work in Regional Australia.

Areas affected by wildfires can be found at the link below.

The working areas and specific industries where you can apply for an existing, secondary or tertiary visa are as follows.

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